August 14, 2012

Film Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

(First published online on July 13, 2007)

After the long wait, the film-adaptation of J.K. Rowling's novel was finally shown in the big screen and I was very eager to watch it for I knew that the film was really astounding.

Every little thing in the movie was great for the story is very well narrated and I consider it as the best "Potter" film since then. Like what they always say, it's all worth it –the time and money– for all the actors and actresses performed very well. The script was very well written and most of all, the special effects were totally brilliant.

To prove the veracity of my statement, I have read in the newspaper earlier this morning that the film had broken many records including the fact that it surpassed the last Potter film in terms of first day showing. During its premier, it sold more than P21million pesos only here in the Philippines. How much more from the other country, to think that our country is currently under the fiscal crisis.

Again, the Order of the Phoenix had been a success and I am pretty sure that it will rule in all theaters worldwide.


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