August 22, 2012

Does money matter?

(First published online on August 20, 2008)

Last Saturday, 9th of August, I was amongst the lucky viewers of Tanghalang Pilipino's Golden Child at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. It was a stage play and offered free as a privilege of being a student reporter. Watching that kind of play at that high class theater seems to be the finest hours of my life, so far.

The play was literally full of sarcasms in the script which made the version funny. Now, I just want to quote a line from one of the actresses who played as the first wife of the Chinese man. She said: "Thank you Lord for the creation of money. Without it, how will we measure true love?" The line was funny for just a second but analyzing it, I realized that it was damn serious.

My Economics Professor once mentioned before that in our present world, money is not everything though it can buy almost anything. Practicality and reality check, at these times, you can't just say that money is nothing. Maybe for a while but not for a lifetime.

Today is the moment when we can almost say that money truly makes the world go round. You can love without money but can you live without it? Even in the sense of love, money is still present. Sometimes, I laugh on those people who fully profess their emotions towards their loved ones and yet still ask their parents for their allowance.

In politics or even in governance, people are fighting and killing other people who are sometimes their friend just for the sake of money. Truly, they can't bring it to heaven when they die but doing such irrelevant acts sometimes connote that money is really important. You can't say that money is only the poor's problem for even the rich ones consider money as one of their problems.

Money is the root of evil - well, I don't think so. I believe that money is created for the people, who somehow tells that it isn't dirty at all but love for that paper is the root of all evil.

What I'm trying to point out with this post?! Well, I just want to appeal on everyone that we have to value money. I don't care if you're too rich or just rich but you have to think that money is important to everyday living so don't just waste it. If for you, money is nothing well you might think that for me, it is otherwise. You can enjoy the simplest things yet not spending a lot of money.

Money can't measure happiness or true love but it is for practicality on living our daily lives.

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