September 14, 2012

Film Review: The Last Airbender

(First published online on August 5, 2010)
In a battle between good and evil, good always win. However, if good does nothing, that’s the only time that evil will triumph. It is one of the ideas presented in the film, The Last Airbender which was directed by M. Night Shyamalan and was produced by Paramount Pictures.

The story is about four nations: Air, Water, Earth and Fire; which are tied by destiny of having equal shares for the world that they live in. However, a corrupt mind coming from someone who wants to have more shares than others broke the silence that had long resided in their world. Due to their pride that they can be powerful than the rest, Fire nation began staging brutal war that tore to desolation other nations. Due to their greediness, they even wiped out the race of air nation which happens to look after the avatar or the powerful guard who maintains the balance in their world. Moreover, due to their advance skills in combat, they managed to topple the others and live way ahead.

Even other nations’ benders or people with extraordinary power to control their birth elements can’t do anything and for century, no hope was seen that could alter the path of other nations’ obliteration. Until one time, Aang, played by Noah Ringer realized that he is the avatar, only that he escaped since he didn’t want to live this kind of life, and that he has the power to contain the Fire Nation and keep the balance between good and evil.

However, because of his guilt and anger, since his race was rubbed out, he failed to grow to a full-blown avatar and only managed to learn controlling the element of air. But as he walks to the path of life destined for him, he tried learning the importance of elements and the balanced world.

When the Fire Nation drew their assault against the Water Nation, Aang managed to focus and leave his emotions behind to show them how powerful he is as the avatar. He fought the attacking Fire Nation and succeeded to push them away saving the Water Nation.

One thing that drew me closer to every scene is the good lines that they imparted in the film. The special effects are also wonderful and the story was truly memorable. Surely, after watching it, you would not dare miss the next sequel.

Acceptance, aside from the difference between good and evil becomes the center piece of the story. Since it revolves in learning the element of water, letting your emotions flow just like this liquid will truly help you contain all the tests that you are about to face.

Aang at first felt hard in mastering or controlling the element of water since there is a feeling of guilt and anger existing in his mind. But as soon as he adapted the idea of acceptance, power immediately flows out in him.

Just like in our life, we continuously face trials but as we begin to accept that life is about sacrifices, and accepting that everything will have their own time, we can easily live our life, free from disturbances and grievances.

Acceptance is also synonymous to peace of mind since if you can accept everything that comes into your life, you can have a serene kind of life. It is one of the best lessons that the story wants to impart; that if you know how to accept things, triumph can be expected and you will not have to regret anything for in the first place, you know and you embrace fully that such things will happen.

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